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6+ years



Ruchiraha Balakathaha

(The Magic Drum & Other Stories)

Features over 30 stories including popular stories like ‘A Fair Deal’, ‘Nine Questions for a Princess’ and ‘The Wise King’.

Kings and misers, princes and paupers, wise men and foolish boys, the funniest and oddest men and women come alive in this sparkling new collection of stories. The clever princess will only marry the man who can ask her a question she cannot answer; the orphan boy outwits his greedy uncles with a bag of ash; and an old couple in distress is saved by a magic drum.

Sudha Murty’s grandparents told her some of these stories when she was a child; others she heard from her friends from around the world. These delightful and timeless folk tales have been her favourites for years, and she has recounted them many times over to the young people in her life. With this collection, they will be enjoyed by many more readers, of all ages.

Available where books are sold

Currently not available on Amazon India and Flipkart.